Articles NLBM

The True Purpose of Lawyering

Written by Ali Katz | Oct 23, 2019 10:56:27 PM

Given these times of turmoil and uncertainty, if you are anything like me, you may be wondering if you are doing all you can to help.

You may be wondering if you are using your law degree to fulfill your purpose as a helper, a healer, a counselor, and a guide.

You may be feeling called to action, but at the same time, not sure what you can do. Perhaps you are already too busy with work on your plate, the demands of family life, and uncertain about how you can truly help.

You went to law school for a reason, and it's time to find the true meaning and value of your lawyering work in this world.

It’s time for you to fully use your law degree to live into your life purpose and have a life and law practice you love.

Lawyering is so much more than forms and documents. As a lawyer, you have a real opportunity to influence culture and make an impact in your community.

But not if you are lawyering in the traditional way.

The business model we were taught doesn’t work to create the world we really want to live in, but there is a better way.

And, we have to do something, because:

  • Climate change is real
  • Economic inequality is real
  • Mass confusion and the shrinking of the middle class is real

Most people desire to make an impact. If you are still reading this, I know that includes you.

But how can we make an impact with lawyering in a way that is actually meaningful?

The biggest impact we can have with our lawyering is to create changes in our world that will continue to make it a better place long after we’re gone.

Every single one of us alive on this planet right now are going to be gone by the year 2150, no matter what. But what we’ve created through the values we’ve passed on to our children, and the positive changes we make to our communities through our businesses will still be here.

As a lawyer, you have the real potential to influence how people in your community use their resources to create a world where we can thrive together, for many generations to come.

Millennials and Generation Z are going to inherit trillions of dollars, and they have not yet been prepared to receive it. Mostly because there is poor communication between the generations, based in lack of trust, insecurity, entitlement, and fear.

You can change that.

As a lawyer, your clients should be turning to you for help with making critical decisions around how they invest their resources (time, energy, attention, and money) to create a sustainable life, family, business, and income.

Most often, they are not turning to you because they don’t think of you that way — we will change that.

Maybe they already are. If they aren’t, they should be.

Why? Because you are smarter than the average bear.

You went to law school because you love to ask great questions, discover what is working and what isn’t working, and help people in your community.

You are objective. And credible. And, you care.

Yet, no one ever taught you how to actually do this kind of work in law school, or taught you how to answer these questions for yourself and help your clients to have great lives and businesses.

Perhaps you’ve got an intuitive sense of how to do it, but you want to be even better.

That’s why NLBM is here. We train lawyers on a new way of practicing estate planning and serving business owners.

But, we take it so much farther than that.

We guide you to understand how to help your clients answer the hard questions, deal with sticky situations, as well as to plan for and create a future truly worth living.

Our job is to make it exceedingly easy for you to generate and follow up on leads, and serve your clients’ legal needs, so you can get beyond the surface and help your clients be better parents, better business owners, and better citizens of your communities.

Are you ready to explore how you can provide clients with valuable services, enjoy a substantial income, have time to enjoy your life, AND help make the world a better place? Speak with a Law Business Advisor today.

If this is the work you want to be doing in the world, we want to help you do it in your community with our tools and systems.

We’ve been doing it for 10+ years now; we’ve got a track record of serving over 1,600 lawyers. In 2018 alone, our inner circle of NLBM member lawyers protected $1.18 BILLION in family wealth.

But in so many ways we are just at the beginning. We were ahead of the game years ago when we began training lawyers, and the world is finally ready for you — crying out for the type of counsel and wisdom we are here to support you to provide.

When you look back across the generations, what do you wish your ancestors would have done differently?

What do you want to do differently with your lawyering to support the generations to come?

As a lawyer, the highest and best work you can do is learn to support your clients to create more sustainability in the world.

That means helping your clients to communicate and resolve conflict in new ways, create more connection with their loved ones, set clear boundaries and expectations, plan and prepare for death, and run their businesses well by keeping the future generations in mind.

Is this the kind of lawyering you would love to do?

If so, take the next step to change your life and law practice for the better – and in turn, make a positive impact in your community, and the world –  select a time on the calendar, and let’s talk.