About New Law Business Model
For more than 10 years, New Law Business Model (NLBM) has helped lawyers break free from an outdated and inefficient law practice model, and has given lawyers a new and proven, tested, trialed, errored and repaired model that works for them and their clients.

Founder, Ali Katz
The purpose of my work in the world is to transform the way you make decisions regarding your legal, insurance, financial, and tax (LIFT) matters so you can have a life worth living, and leave the world a better place.
Our current legal and financial systems have created a culture of scarcity and fear-based choices that result in separation, resource hoarding, conflict, and a loss of family connection from one generation to the next.
It’s hurting us, our families, and the planet.
The first step in a new paradigm of support to create a world that truly does work for all is a new business model and a new type of lawyer — the Personal Family Lawyer®.

Ali Katz,
Founder of New Law Business Model,
Personal Family Lawyer, and
Eyes Wide Open Life
Founded in 2011 by bestselling author, lawyer, and entrepreneur Ali Katz (Formerly Alexis Martin Neely, CA Bar #: 212365), New Law Business Model teaches a heart-centered, counseling based method for lawyers to offer an estate planning service called Life & Legacy Planning to families and business owners.
Today, New Law Business Model, and its team of instructors, coaches, and mentors serve 500+ lawyers licensed as Personal Family Lawyer (PFL) firms across the US, with more firms earning the coveted PFL designation each year.
NLBM exists to create a better world and improve our collective culture by providing lawyers with a proven business model that’s based in care, love and community.
With the right business model, lawyers cannot be replaced by AI, and get to build a community-focused business that leverages technology while keeping their heart, soul and humanity intact, and while serving clients in a truly meaningful way with a relational law model.
Before you consider leaving the law, consider joining us. We would love to support you to build a business you love using your law degree.
Our values embody our
commitment to building an
all-win culture and company
Cultivate All-Win
Cultivate All-Win is at the core of our values. All-win represents our uncompromising commitment to creating an enterprise in which every stakeholder – from our employees to our clients to the families and businesses our lawyers serve – win together. Cultivating all-win requires us to utilize our other values of staying curious and courageously communicating to get to the all-win outcome.
If it’s not all-win, it’s no deal.
Stay Curious
Stay Curious means we meet every conversation, every challenge, and every opportunity with curiosity. Rather than shutting down as a result of fears, expectations, or past experiences, we cultivate a culture where team leaders, team members, clients and investors are encouraged to keep an open mind and heart to what’s possible. Staying curious is the fundamental ground on which we stand as a company culture, which supports and heightens creativity, collaboration, and more effective communication.
Staying curious means living in wonder and staying present and open to greater possibilities.
Courageously Communicate
Courageous communication takes candor to the next level, which we believe is required for optimal outcomes in creating all-win realities. We teach our clients, advisors, and team members to communicate courageously from the heart, even if that first communication isn’t eloquent or well-said, so we can get to the bottom of challenges quickly.
We’d rather have messy communication than communication held until it can be perfect.
(We) Create Reality
We Create Reality is our reminder to be deliberately conscious of the ways in which our thoughts, our choices, our words, and our actions shape reality over time. We recognize that life is happening for us, by us and through us as we are powerful creators. We invite our stakeholders to first acknowledge their individual creative potential, and then to join our community and realize the power of a group in bringing a shared vision to life.
It’s our thoughts, emotions, words and actions that create everything we see around us.
Constantly Evolve
Constantly Evolve For us to be the innovators we must be in order to fulfill our mission and lead the way for the advisors we serve and the clients they serve, we must be willing to constantly evolve. As a result, we release outdated ideas, practices, systems, and structures that may have worked in the past, but are now creating upper limits on our collective potential.
We have gratitude for the past, the mistakes we’ve made, the lessons we’ve learned and will continuously improve.
NLBM's Diversity &
Inclusion Statement
We trust that every act to listen well and every step taken to build trust matters.
Because when we stand united together we can make a difference together.
And so, we stand.
We stand against racism, hate, violence, and discrimination.
We stand for a world that works for everyone.
We stand in the conviction that white supremacy and the institutional racism that enables it must be dismantled.
We stand for a legal system that protects, upholds, and defends human rights. Because we believe all people have legacies worth leaving.
We stand in our commitment to building a better, kinder, and more equitable world.
We stand with victims of oppression, murder, and those seeking justice.
We stand for healing, reconciliation, and for a united human family.
We stand for waking up and speaking up.
We stand for equity. We stand for truth.
United, we stand.

You deserve more.
Speak with a Law Business Advisor to discover for yourself what New Law Business Model can do.
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