Member lawyer Amy explains how NLBM coaches lawyers to scalable and repeatable success.

Learn our proven Life & Legacy Planning process and serve clients in the way you always knew possible. Transform your estate planning law practice from tedious busy work you hate to a fulfilling career that serves the people in your community.
It’s why our Personal Family Lawyer firms are able to build their law businesses so successfully, and so quickly: they have a service they love to deliver, for clients who are happy to pay their fees, and they get hired more than 80% of the time they meet with someone who needs an estate plan.
When you become a PFL, and learn the Life & Legacy Planning service model, you’ll earn an average of $4,500 per client — and, most importantly, you will make a lasting impact for the families in your community.
In as little as 30 days you will learn how to provide high-value Life & Legacy Planning services + our proven Client Engagement System that has powered thousands of estate planning practices around the country to grow into thriving businesses.
Trying to build a business on your own doesn’t make sense when we’ve done all the heavy lifting for you. To help you implement your new business model, we provide you with comprehensive mentoring and coaching support.
With the PFL designation and the power of its national brand, you get all of our proprietary and proven marketing tools, client service systems, and business building support to become the trusted resource your community needs.
Once you’ve learned the model and are up and running, we provide the ongoing, customized support to grow the practice of your dreams — solo, small firm, or empire, we’ve got you covered.
Build your own custom roadmap to a life and law practice you love. Start by booking a call with a Law Business Advisor.
In this video, Amse discusses her husband's increase in emotional intelligence and empathy. It is this NLBM program that has helped her husband become his true self instead of the version that was swamped by all the frustrations he was experiencing.
Absolutely not. That’s one of the greatest fallacies of estate planning. Death and incapacity affect all of us. Everyone who has assets that would be lost, or loved ones they care about, need to make eyes wide-open decisions about how to leave what they have so it doesn’t result in a big mess for the people they love. Most PFLs build thriving practices serving the 99% not the 1%.
The 6 systems to build a Personal Family Lawyer® firm with Life & Legacy Planning are the same 6 systems you need to be successful in any and every business. We give you all the components for you to build the 6 systems for your estate planning practice, and you can apply what we teach you across the board to other practice areas that you’d like to keep working in.
You choose. You can choose a solo model with outsourcing and take home $10,000 a month or build an empire taking home $40,000 per month or more. We have PFLs earning $25k a month working part-time, and some with multi-million dollar practices with multiple lawyers. That’s the beauty of it. You build it for your life.
YES! Once you become a Personal Family Lawyer, you are licensed to use all of our proven marketing systems and done-for-you resources to educate your community, recruit and train referral sources, follow up with your leads and prospects and become THE go-to lawyer for families and business owners in your chosen area of focus.
Yes. Because we teach you our proprietary flexible premium pricing system (we call it “affordable premium”) that allows your clients to choose their own fees and gets you paid for the value you deliver. It’s a win/win.
Much of my life’s work has been dedicated to helping people live their values and connect with others, themselves, and their lives in meaningful ways. Leading our coaching team at NLBM gives me the opportunity to help every member get the customized advice they need on how to use Life and Legacy Planning to grow their Personal Family Lawyer® firm and serve their communities in deeply meaningful ways.
With each lawyer’s 1:1 private coach, we go beyond just providing business advice. What I love most is we help every lawyer find and maintain the mindset they need to be a successful entrepreneur, have great relationships with clients, and love their lives, not just their law practice.
Allison Osborn,
Lead Coach
New Law Business Model
Whether you’re starting a practice from scratch, adding to an existing one, or overhauling your current one, you deserve to start now. Begin your journey with NLBM today.
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