The growing need for Life & Legacy lawyers

Are you prepared to meet the needs of this growing legal market?

We as a society are in the process of a massive shift. The global economy is shifting. And as individuals, many people’s priorities are shifting as well. People have always had a deep instinct to protect their loved ones. But in previous eras, it was easier to stick our heads in the sand and pretend that we had infinite time to prepare for what would happen to our loved ones when we were no longer there to look after them.

But with everything that has happened over the past few years, the reality of death and incapacitation is closer to the forefront of people’s minds. The problem is that many people are thinking about the inevitable, but due to anxiety, overwhelm, and more immediate life stressors, they are not doing anything to plan for it.

That’s why the world needs more leaders willing to guide people through the important conversations and estate planning processes they’ve been avoiding for too long— before it’s too late.

This urgent need has created a growing opportunity for lawyers that specialize in a new way of practicing estate planning called Life & Legacy Planning. Today I will share with you how you can seize that opportunity, become recession proof, and make a positive impact on the world.

There’s a growing demand for specialized lawyers to serve families in a way that actually helps them.

Every single person you know will eventually die. And, even before they die, they may become incapacitated and unable to express their wishes to their loved ones. That means every single adult you know and every adult they know needs to have a plan in place to keep their loved ones out of court and out of conflict in the event of their death or incapacity. 

As you can see, there is an abundance of clients in this market. But there are not enough specialized lawyers to serve them. You may be thinking to yourself, wait a minute, I know a lot of estate planning lawyers. And a lot of people are creating their wills and trusts online now. There’s so much competition. 

It’s true. There has been a rise in people using online DIY options. And there may be several other estate planning lawyers in your hometown. But what you may not know is that none of these options are adequately meeting the real needs of families and business owners that want the best for their loved ones after they are no longer around to provide it.

I realized the traditional estate planning model was broken when my father-in-law died. He had spent $3,000 on an estate plan to keep his family out of probate court and out of conflict with his ex-wife in the event of his death.

So you can imagine how confusing and frustrating it was when after he died, we were stuck in probate court and in conflict with his ex-wife—all while we were grieving.

And more than 20 years later, some of my father-in-law’s assets are still stuck in Florida’s department of unclaimed property.

I thought for sure his estate planning lawyer must have committed malpractice, but it turns out this was common practice.

After that experience with my father-in-law, I made it my life’s work to fix the broken estate planning system and teach lawyers how to do it right—in a way that actually serves the clients in their community.

I’ve also committed myself to educating families on the importance of doing estate planning the right way. My estate planning education campaign for families has generated a growing demand for well-trained estate planning attorneys, and the demand is only going to get bigger.

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If you’re the type of lawyer that wants to make a positive impact and make a good living while doing it, educating your community on how to properly prepare for death and incapacitation so they can live a fuller life now is a big opportunity with your name on it.

This work is so important to me that I’ve created a platform to help connect families who need estate planning done right and the lawyers that are properly trained to serve them. The demand is constantly growing, and we need more lawyers to fill it. Will you be one of them?

You can become the go-to lawyer your community needs.

Estate planning is too important to be done by someone who is not an expert in the field. While most lawyers are experts in the law, not many have the training and expertise to provide what families really need when they do their end-of-life planning.

Families need a trusted advisor that they can rely on to help them make the most important legal and financial decisions of their lives. They want someone who can help leave their families feeling loved, guided, and provided for in the event of their death or incapacitation, not someone who will create documents that will fall out of date and leave them in a big mess during one of the most challenging times in their lives.

That’s why I’ve created a program to train more lawyers on how to provide Life and Legacy Planning—a heart-centered, long-term way to do estate planning that helps clients create unique estate plans based on their values, family dynamics and ever evolving assets. And another thing that makes our lawyers different is they don’t just help their clients preserve and pass on financial assets but also their intangible intellectual and spiritual assets.

With our training, you can be your community’s go-to lawyer who:
  • Keeps families out of court
  • Guides clients to make the best legal and financial decisions based on their values
  • Ensures your client’s loved ones are supported and provided for during their lives and after their death
  • Allows your clients to leave a legacy of love instead of a mess

There is an urgent need for lawyers who are trained to build relationships with clients and act as their expert counsel long term. If you feel called to meet that demand, our training provides everything you need to serve your community in a way that will allow you to make a positive impact and a great living.

Check out our community of Personal Family Lawyers that are already doing it.

If you want to love your work and become recession-proof by meeting the urgent need for heart-centered PFL lawyers, schedule a call with a Law Business Advisor. On the call, we’ll help you figure out if our program is the right fit for you and if you’re the right fit for our community of trusted lawyers.