NLBM Coaches Get Your Law Practice Into Shape
Who can turn that, “My law practice isn’t working” frown upside down? The New Law Business Model coaches can!
You want to be happy. You deserve that. You want time with your family, time to build the kind of law practice you and your clients will love, and time to just take a breath. But these days, does it feel as though no one is getting enough of your time, least of all you?
We’ve got a program we think can help. It’s called the New Law Business Model—or NLBM—and it sets the old, traditional way of practicing law on its ear by redefining the way you’ll build your business. One of the program benefits is that our wonderfully positive coaches will guide you through our NLBM program that will absolutely transform your current law practice into a better one, in service of building the life and business you love.
Sounds impossible, doesn’t it? It’s not, though.
We’ve trained over 3,030 lawyers just like you who were understandably skeptical and wondering if this was the right path for them.
This program works for so many reasons, one of which is your connection with a coach who not only goes the distance with you, but also the extra mile.
Now is the Time to Get Your Law Practice (Back) Into Shape
Think of your NLBM coach as your law practice personal trainer ensuring you follow through on your career “fitness” goals. Just like any personal trainer, they’ll help you make your goals a reality, but it’s going to be an intense workout. No shortcuts or half measures.
The good news? NLBM coaches are your law practice fitness workout partners too, right there sprinting alongside you, which goes to accountability.
There's a reason people hire a personal trainer if they want to get in shape, and the same goes for getting your business into shape. Most of us are much more likely to meet our goals when we know we’re being held accountable by someone else who is monitoring our progress. And when that “someone else” is there to set up the training course for us so we can meet those goals? Even better.
The reality is we need to be “seen.” And unless you're already seeing the kinds of results you want to see, then you need a coach.
The Whole Lawyer and Nothing But the Whole Lawyer
Our law practice coaching method takes an authentic and holistic approach that really gets results for our members. Allison Osborn, NLBM Director of Member Success & Lead Coach describes it as, “Infusing the necessary personal development into the coaching work that’s going to actually support the lawyer in becoming the person they need to be in order to have the business they're wanting.” Shaping up your law practice is both an inside and outside job.
Individualized to match each lawyer’s process, this is no cookie-cutter program, but rather one that meets you exactly where you are. Coaches work one-on-one with the lawyers in our program, supporting them through the implementation process, building out business systems and infrastructure, and overcoming negative mindsets. It’s that last bit that can be pretty tricky if you’re going it alone, which you won’t be, but we’ll get to that shortly.
Let’s talk about the role our gifted coaches play in helping you implement the program.
Coaching: Two Flavors of the Same Delicious Offering
While all coaches are trained on tactile practical business-building strategies as well as business-building systems required to build a successful law business, we have two types of coaches. The first type are Core Program Coaches, and the second are Law Business Success Coaches.
On day one, when you join the Core Program, you immediately have access to the coaches two times a week for 60-minute Office Hours calls, in addition to a private Members-In-Training Facebook Group. The Core Program Coaches work with MITs—as we call them—to support them as they journey through the Life & Legacy Planning Program.
Similarly, Law Business Success Coaches are paired with a lawyer after they’ve completed the Core Program and joined NLBM in Membership. However, this is a much deeper and wider-reach coaching model than the Core Program Coach. Not only do members receive 1:1 training in Membership, but there are all sorts of additional coaching benefits, which include a variety of group coaching calls, as well as support with time blocking and creating cash forecasts.
Both of these coaching scenarios support the goal of working less and earning more. In fact, time and money are two of the four valuable resources your coaches will talk to you about when they’re working with you as part of the T.E.A.M. acronym representing valuable resources. The first three - Time, Energy, and Attention - are non-renewable, while Money is a renewable resource.
Coaches also make sure the program steps are carried out in order, which is when they channel their not-so-inner personal trainer persona. Why is this important?
You’re going to get excited when you begin this program. And like most of us, left to our own devices, we’ll do things out of order when we’re revved up—like spending money on marketing before we have an engagement system up and running—which won’t lead to success.
Your coach will keep you on the right track with their knowledge and encouragement. All of your NLBM support team members are beyond positive. But the coaches? They’ve turned it into an art form.
You’ve Got a Friend (In Your Coaches)
Part of what makes you an excellent lawyer is you see a problem and you solve it. Because your strong suit is identifying problems, sometimes you’re not so much a celebrator of your own successes. You may not see them as you determinedly climb the New Law Business Model steps leading toward your burgeoning new practice.
The coaches at NLBM subscribe to the philosophy, “What you focus on expands” and “Where your attention goes, energy flows.” This goes to mindset and goals with a big dose of positivity, which benefits you greatly as you go through each step of the program.
And that positivity comes in many forms, one of which is when your coaches come in with their special brand of recognition.
Allison shares that, “Having the coaches reflect your celebrations—helping you see what’s celebratory-worthy that you might miss—brings awareness toward creating what you want.”
The Joy of Celebrating Member Success
“Very little is more satisfying than seeing a client have a breakthrough, getting to see those light bulbs go off, and watching them take bold action. As far as I’m concerned, it’s Christmas.” – Allison Osborn
Between launching your new way of practicing law and celebrating your many successes comes the real work. Oh, sure, we’re going to train you on how to practice law differently, but it’s your personal development that will transform your law practice.
The success of your law practice is inextricably intertwined with your mindset, and as we mentioned earlier, that can be a tricky one. That’s where our Creating Connection Through Conscious Communication program—“C4” for short—comes into play. It teaches you how to be a different kind of lawyer. A lawyer who connects. A lawyer who makes clients feel comfortable. A lawyer who consciously communicates.
C4: The Not-So-Hidden NLBM Treasure
One of your biggest challenges with practicing law in a new way is how you were trained in law school. You’re trained to interrogate, to stay objective, to identify issues, and then problem-solve those issues, sometimes before lunch. And often, without lunch. Then you go out into the world, and try to connect with clients. Your training is the antithesis of connection.
When you become an NLBM Member-in-Training and then Member—just one of your many supports includes taking advantage of our C4 training: Creating Connection Through Conscious Communication. Talk about a game-changer. We know it’s a “life-changer” as NLBM Lawyer Member Hector de Jesus calls it.
Time and time again, the lawyers we love tell us this is their final missing piece in completing the puzzle that is the well-orchestrated transformation of their law practice.
Allison is one of the facilitators of the training and she affirms the importance of taking this step. “What the program focuses on are communication skills, relational intelligence, and how to create a sense of connection with somebody else as well as a connection with one’s self. This is critical especially in a practice area like Estate Planning where the differentiator is whether the client wants to work with a lawyer.”
It’s not an overstatement to say it’s THE thing that supports lawyers in talking about what they do. As it turns out, it’s a teachable skill, and your coaches love teaching you.
So, what do you think?
- We’ve got your customized law practice transformation plan on tap. ✔️
- Your coaches are right here, ready to support you. ✔️
Are you ready for a new way of practicing law?
Book a Call Now with one of our Law Business Advisors.
(They can answer any questions you may have about our program.)
You’ll be that much closer to meeting your life-changing coach.