Case Study: Kim Considered Leaving The Law - Watch What She Did Instead


“I always felt that business had to come to me. Referrals had to come to me. That putting myself out there was not really the right thing to do. This is not what lawyers do.”

Sound familiar? Kim Rockwood had this mindset for a very long time. And it was this perspective that kept her stuck in a less than optimal financial situation and unable to spend the time she desired with her children. This was not the life and law practice that Kim had envisioned for herself, and the frustrations mounted.

Kim contemplated leaving the law, but instead, she found the solution that enabled her to become the lawyer and businesswoman she wanted to be.

Fast forward to today: Kim is the founder of an estate planning law firm in Georgia, Kim Rockwood Law, focusing on helping business owners and parents protect their loved ones, livelihoods, and legacies.

Kim currently serves an average of 12 clients a month (and growing), has a 90% client engagement rate, has hired staff to support her, and is steadily working towards a 7-figure practice. Her practice is thriving, and she has a happy, healthy family life, including lots of quality time with her kids.

What shifts took place that propelled Kim into this thriving state as an entrepreneurial lawyer? Let’s find out.

Kim started her career working for a law firm doing construction litigation. But when the time came that she decided to start her family, Kim was laid off just six months into her pregnancy. It was then that she decided she would start her law firm.

After starting her practice, Kim experienced incredible levels of stress and frustration. Although she was an experienced lawyer, she had no idea how to start a law firm or even run a business, for that matter. She had minimal self-confidence as a business owner, and things felt chaotic.

In an attempt to free up time so she could be with her children, she decided to switch to estate planning law, focusing on freelancing. But Kim found she was spinning her wheels, making very little money, and felt stuck in a stagnant place, both financially and career-wise. Until Kim joined Membership with New Law Business Model in 2018, that is.

When Kim started to utilize the resources and training available to her through her Membership with NLBM, she began to shift her approach.

She made adjustments to how she was managing her time, her financials, her marketing, and how she communicated with clients. Step-by-step, Kim started seeing improvements. However, despite marked forward progress, she still felt blocked somehow and wasn’t quite gaining the momentum that she expected.

She followed all the proven processes and implemented all the right systems, so why was Kim not experiencing the results she was working so hard to achieve? The answer finally revealed itself: fear.

Watch the video below to hear directly from Kim about discovering the lack of self-confidence that was holding her back—plus the pivot in perspective that changed everything.


Kim wondered if she had what it takes to be a successful estate planning attorney and businesswoman.

Practicing estate planning law in ‘the New Law Business Model way’ required Kim to “put herself out there”, to be more communicative with the public, and be more curious about people to understand and serve their needs.

“It was scary at first. It was a new way of practicing law, getting out there, and reaching new clients... that wasn’t normal or as common, let’s say, ten years ago. My mind kept telling me that most people don’t do it this way, so why should you.”

Kim was experiencing imposter syndrome, which is normal as you shift into such new territory. She was questioning herself around whether she really was “the expert.” Did she have what it takes to confidently tell her clients what steps would be best for them, and could she be great at this?

To add to that, Kim also had a great deal of fear around money and was always worried about not making enough. She was struggling, overwhelmed, and was even starting to entertain thoughts of leaving the law altogether.

But instead of leaving the law—she doubled down on her commitment to herself, her law degree, and to the practice that she truly wanted to be successful.

Kim began taking advantage of the coaching provided by New Law Business Model. Once Kim dug into these sessions with her coach, she experienced her ‘A-ha!’ moment and broke through her blocks. Finally, she began seeing things differently.

“I really, really started coming at this from a place of service, and before, I was too scared to feel that way because I was too worried about being able to pay the bills and make enough money. When I let go of that and thought ‘no, how can I focus on the person in front of me,’ it changed a lot.” – Kim Knight Rockwood

This pivot to understanding that through being in service (and getting out of her own way), she would be able to make enough money, and have the courage to put herself out there, changed everything.

Leaving the Law Was Not the Answer

As it turned out, leaving the law was not the answer to Kim’s problems at all. She realized that even if she did go and start something new, the same issues would reappear. So instead of leaving the law, she faced her fears head-on. It was then that Kim stepped into the lawyer-self that had always been waiting for her.

As a result of her commitment, perseverance, and willingness to work through internal challenges and limitations, Kim is now:
  • A self-confident businesswoman
  • Enjoying having time to be present and engaged with her family
  • Growing a successful law practice that she loves
  • On track to achieve her goal of building a 7-figure law practice

Kim has created a brand new sense of self, both personally and as a lawyer. She now sees every day as an opportunity to grow and improve how she shows up for her clients and how she can help them live their best life, feeling confident that they’ve done right by the people they love.

To find meaning and purpose again after considering leaving the law and recreating yourself in the process is no small feat. Congratulations, Kim, on this personal transformation and for stepping up to become an outstanding entrepreneurial lawyer providing exemplary service in estate planning law.

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