Sam’s near-death experience showed her how crucial wealth and guardianship planning is for families and she wanted a business that better modeled her values, life is too short to do otherwise.

As soon as she stumbled upon New Law Business Model, she knew from the relational-forward approach that it was going to give her the tools she needed to build the practice she wanted.

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Sam Allen

Sam runs a practice in Massachusetts and is an active member of the local community. She is the President of Duxbury Newcomers Club, a proud member of the Women’s Business League, Boston Business Women, and Pillars of Profitability.



Back in 2019, Sam – like many other entrepreneurial lawyers just starting out – was wearing a lot of hats. She was representing her family’s business, doing marketing services, and some minor litigation on the side. Naturally, she began to wonder if this was it, or if there was another way to build a practice that had purpose and meaning along with the income she needed.

The turning point in many ways came after the difficult birth of Sam’s son, after which she almost lost her life. Coming out of the experience, Sam knew that whatever she did with her career, she wanted to make a difference in the lives of others, and especially in how they prepared for their own legacies.

“I really wanted to make a difference in people’s lives. I didn’t offer estate planning, and it really prompted me to use my law degree to make a difference and help moms and dads like my husband and I avoid what we went through.”

After Sam recovered from her pregnancy and near-death experience, she began looking for ways to run her law practice that had the kind of vision Sam valued. After doing Google searches and trying to find unique expressions of running a practice, she stumbled upon New Law Business Model. She could see right away, from the relational-forward approach that NLBM encourages, that it was going to be right up her alley, and she dove in.



Sam joined NLBM and went through the initial training, after which she admits she felt incredibly inspired by the program and by the kind of law practice NLBM was encouraging her to build.

“You’re learning about general estate planning concepts, more real-life terminology than in law school, and a way to apply it and explain what estate planning means and how important it is – to a general person who’s not an attorney. And how not to bore people. So this program teaches you that along with marketing concepts, which we don’t learn in law school, how to set up a business, how to run a business, how to get people in, how to educate people, and how most importantly, to have fun and actually love what you do.”

Sam also found many of the specific tools she learned in her initial training helpful, including things like learning how to utilize resources like PowerPoint to create effective presentations. These highly visual tools helped Sam to be better at explaining the process and point of Estate Planning to her clients.

But it wasn’t just the tools that Sam learned that she found helpful – the NLBM Coaching played a major role in the development of her Estate Planning practice as well.

“Just the motivating factor. I would always joke with my coach, “how do I get to be number one?” and he would drive me to get there. Ultimately, there is someone to talk to that knows about the program and can lead you in a more intimate and personalized one-on-one environment.” 

As Sam began to get more and more comfortable within the program, she found more and more ways to continue to stretch and grow. These challenges never came without the NLBM community closely supporting and encouraging her forward though, which Sam found incredibly helpful.

“It’s a safe space to admit, “I don’t know the answer, and I don’t want to feel dumb so can you help me with this question?” In the larger legal community, you don’t generally say that, but I say it all the time at NLBM.”

This type of non-competitive community, which also encourages lawyers to be the very best they can be, is a rare mix that Sam found one of the most rewarding parts of being in the NLBM program.



The first year Sam was in business and beginning to learn the NLBM process, she cleared $90,000. By her second year, having fully implemented the NLBM process into her practice, she had an annual revenue of around $450,000. In her third year of practice using NLBM’s methods, she earned over $700,000 in revenue, with a nearly 98% close rate. Now she’s hit 7-figures, and has plans to keep growing! 

Sam’s success in her businesses has allowed her to spend more time with her family, and be there during pivotal and important moments. Having the freedom NLBM gives to run her practice the way she wants and earn the money that gives her chance to care for her family and herself, has been an invaluable gift to her.

Could you benefit from a meaningful practice that allowed you more revenue and more time with your family? Then we’d love to hear from you. Reach out to us below.

Sam Allen


“[NLBM] is a safe space to admit, “I don’t know the answer, and I don’t want to feel dumb so can you help me with this question?” In the larger legal community, you don’t generally say that, but we can say it all the time at NLBM.”


Now it's your turn

Don't wait another day to experience the results and the impact that NLBM members have experienced before you. See if you qualify by speaking with one of our Law Business Advisors today.