Your 3-Year Roadmap to a Business You Love

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In this transformative episode of the NewLaw Podcast for Entrepreneurial Lawyers with Ali Katz, we dive into a powerful strategy that can shape your future and your legal practice over the next three years.

Ali challenges you to ask, "Who and what are you becoming?" and to envision where you want to be in 3 years. Do you aspire to build a million-dollar practice? Work only three days a week? Send your kids to private school or support your aging parents?

While this call is from 2023, the information shared remains evergreen and highly relevant today.

You can literally create anything you want in the next three years—the key is to claim it now. Ali guides you through a process of making decisions from the perspective of your future self, anchoring in the vision of who you are becoming, and staying focused despite the inevitable challenges ahead.

Claim your clarity today and listen to this episode as many times as needed to embed this mindset. The choices you make now will shape the life and practice you’ll have in 3 years. And remember, the secret to achieving your goals is to practice, practice, practice!

Key Takeaways:

  • Envision Your Future Self: Learn how to make decisions based on who you are becoming and the life you want to create in 3 years.
  • The Power of Clarity: Discover the importance of claiming your vision now to direct your time, energy, attention, and money towards your goals.
  • Three-Year Planning Strategy: Understand how breaking down your big goals into three-year chunks can help you achieve significant milestones in your law practice and personal life.
  • Staying Focused Amidst Distractions: Prepare for the challenges ahead by anchoring in your vision, ensuring you don't get derailed by external factors.
  • Step-by-Step Execution: Ali shares how to reverse-engineer your goals from 2025 back to the present, creating a clear roadmap for your success.

This episode is essential for lawyers ready to take control of their future and turn their dreams into reality over the next three years.



Time Stamps

02:48: Ali emphasizes making choices from the perspective of who you want to become in 2025, rather than from your current or past self, urging listeners to consider their future selves in decision-making.

05:38: Ali invites listeners to claim their clarity and focus for the next three years, drawing attention to the importance of being intentional about where to direct time, energy, attention, and money.

07:20: Ali shares specific examples of listeners' three-year goals for their law practices, emphasizing the importance of defining clear visions and objectives, such as growing teams and client bases.

08:37: Ali advises on translating broad visions into specific, measurable goals, such as number of clients, team structure, and financial benchmarks, to ensure tangible progress.

09:46: Ali discusses the significance of understanding your "why" behind the goals set for the next three years, translating the higher-level visions into actionable, purpose-driven steps.



Ali Katz:
If I look back over the course of my life, everything has been created in three year chunks. You can literally create anything over the next three years. The key will be to claim it right now so that you can spend the next three years focusing your time, energy, attention and money in the right place. Because I'm going to be honest with you, the next three years are going to be a pretty wild ride out there. Fortunately, you're in here. But out there in the media, on the news, in the economy, it's going to be a wild ride. And the people who aren't prepared, they're going to get sucked up in the drama of all of it and not be able to stay focused and not be able to use their time, energy, attention and money in service to creating what they want. They're going to get caught up.

Ali Katz:
Hello and welcome to the NewLaw podcast where we guide entrepreneurial lawyers to build law practices into businesses they love. I'm Ali Katz. In this episode, which is a solo just me, not coaching anyone, just talking with my Personal Family Lawyer Firm leaders and giving them the single best piece of guidance, strategy, support that I ever received about how to create exactly what you want over the next three years. How to create exactly what you want over the next three years. And if you can listen to this episode and take action, then a year from today, whenever you're hearing this, a year from today, your entire life will be different. And it'll be different in a way that is aligned with exactly what you desire. And if you don't take action, if you don't listen and you don't take action a year from today, your life will either look exactly the same as it is now or worse than it is now. Because life actually wants you to have exactly what you desire and is always trying to get you there. It's always trying to get you there.

Ali Katz:
And it's either going to get you there by force or choice. This episode is sharing with you the pathway of choice. How to take full responsibility to create the future that you want, rather than needing to get to a place of so much pain that you're motivated through force, that you're motivated through the pain. So listen in and I'll see you on the other side.