Uncomfortable with Charging "Premium Fees"? Listen to This 10 Times

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In this insightful episode of the NewLaw Podcast for Entrepreneurial Lawyers with Ali Katz, Kai, a lawyer based in a small mountain town, faces the challenge of confidently asking clients to pay the full price for her services.

Ali guides Kai through a transformative discussion on overcoming the discomfort of discussing fees and how to build a business that truly serves both the lawyer and the community. This episode delves into the importance of recognizing the value you provide as a lawyer and how to align your pricing with the quality and depth of service you offer.

Realize also, that charging full price is actually in your client’s best interest. You’ve gotta get out of your own way and realize that you’re doing it for them. Listen and re-listen to this episode as many times as you need to anchor in why premium prices are necessary for your clients to have a plan that works. And then go practice. Practice, practice, practice!

Key Takeaways:

  • Aligning Fees with Service Quality: Understand why charging the full price is essential for delivering high-quality legal services that make a lasting impact on your clients' lives.
  • Overcoming Money Conversations: Gain practical tips on how to confidently discuss fees with clients, reframing the conversation as a service rather than a transaction.
  • The Power of Practice: Learn how regular practice and preparation can help you become more comfortable with fee discussions.
  • Community-Centered Mindset: Shift your focus from your discomfort to the needs of your community, ensuring that your pricing supports the valuable service you provide.
  • Building a Sustainable Legal Practice: Discover the importance of creating a business model that not only supports your clients but also allows you to live a balanced, fulfilling life as a lawyer.

This episode is a must-listen for lawyers who want to master the art of pricing their services confidently and build a practice that serves both their clients and themselves.



Time Stamps

01:26: Kai joins the conversation, seeking advice on gaining confidence to request full payment from clients, having previously offered discounts and feeling uneasy about discussing money.

02:19: Ali advises Kai to practice asking for full payment and highlights the inevitable discomfort, suggesting that Kai should focus on the clients' benefits to make conversations about money easier.

05:26: Kai explains her motivation for building a sustainable business in her small mountain town, aiming to be a constant community resource and create a lasting legacy.

06:59: Ali encourages Kai to reframe her mindset, focusing on the importance of charging enough to provide valuable client services and maintain a successful law practice.



Ali Katz:
And the reality is you have to charge what you charge in order to have a business that can deliver on the service that you're promising. If you don't charge what we recommend, you will not be able to deliver on the service that you're promising. If we could charge any less and still deliver, I would have structured it that way.

Ali Katz:
Hello, and welcome to the NewLaw podcast, where we guide entrepreneurial lawyers to build law practices into businesses they love. I'm Ali Katz. If you are at all uncomfortable talking about money or charging premium fees, which, by the way, we call affordable premium fees, so that you can be receiving the fees that you need in order to deliver on a truly meaningful, impactful service while still being the most affordable solution for your clients because of how your fees are structured. I go into detail about this in my book, "New Law Business Model Revealed". And if you feel uncomfortable charging premium fees or talking about money, you're going to want to listen to this very short, very potent episode and do that now. And I'll see you on the other side.

Ali Katz:
Hi. Welcome.

Thank you.

Ali Katz:
You offered two clients 50% off plans, and now you'd love some tips and asking clients for the full amount of plans. Any tips? Well, we do have family wealth planning session process, fee quoting process. So tell me more about what you'd like.