Scared to Market Your Law Services? Your Solution is Here!

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In this empowering episode of the NewLaw Podcast for Entrepreneurial Lawyers with Ali Katz, Jessica, a lawyer stepping into the entrepreneurial world, confronts her deep-seated fear of marketing rejection.

Guided by Ali, Jessica embarks on a transformative journey of shifting her mindset from self-promotion to community education. Through this coaching session, Jessica discovers how to harness the power of her personal story and use her legal knowledge as a tool for service rather than self-promotion. The episode delves into the importance of authenticity in marketing and how lawyers can reframe their approach to truly connect with their audience.

Key Takeaways:

  • Shift from Self-Promotion to Service: Learn how to reframe your marketing efforts to focus on educating and serving your community rather than promoting yourself.
  • Overcome the Fear of Rejection: Understand the root of marketing fears and discover strategies to push through discomfort for the greater good of your audience.
  • Authenticity in Marketing: Embrace vulnerability by sharing your personal story in a way that resonates with your audience while maintaining privacy and respect.
  • Mindset Matters: Transform your mindset to prioritize the needs of your clients, which naturally leads to stronger connections and successful client relationships.
  • Practical Steps to Begin Marketing: Start with simple, authentic communication through email newsletters or social media posts to gradually build your public presence.

This episode is a must-listen for lawyers who want to turn their law degree into a business asset by leveraging authentic and service-oriented marketing.



Time Stamps

01:44: Ali delves into the fear of rejection in marketing, asking Jessica to describe her feelings about putting out her first presentation and social media posts.

02:22: Jessica grapples with the idea proposed by Ali, who clarifies that the focus should be standing for people's important actions rather than self-centered promotion.

05:05: Ali emphasizes the role of education in marketing, suggesting Jessica present herself as an educator rather than a promoter to make meaningful connections with her audience.

06:51: Jessica acknowledges the need to overcome her hesitancy, fearing she might come across as inauthentic if she forces herself to be more public.

08:09: Ali encourages Jessica to share the personal story that drives her passion for educating the community, even if she maintains some privacy around specific details.



Fear is being uncomfortable with promoting myself.

Ali Katz:
Okay, what happens if you stop thinking of it as promoting yourself altogether?

It's hard for me to separate that, because aren't I promoting myself? I mean, isn't that who I'm trying to get people to work with is me? And that's what separates me from everyone else?

Ali Katz:
Hello, and welcome to the NewLaw podcast, where we guide entrepreneurial lawyers to build law practices into businesses they love. I'm Ali Katz.

Ali Katz:
You are absolutely going to love, love, love this episode. If you have ever had a fear around promoting yourself, or perhaps speaking about your own personal experiences that are very sensitive or private, and yet they're important because your community needs to know about them so that they can be inspired to work with you. This episode is going to give you insight on how to make a very important shift from selling yourself to educating your community and really focusing on the value of your services and really making it more about them than about you. So listen in, and I'll see you on the other side.