Investments vs. Expenses:
The Key to Building a Thriving Business of Any Size

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In this inspiring episode, Ali Katz talks with lawyer Kim Rockwood to explore the critical distinction between investments and expenses

Together, they delve into how understanding this difference can transform your law practice from struggling to thriving. Ali shares her journey of building a million-dollar practice, the mistakes she made along the way, and the mindset shifts that led to her success. This episode is a must-listen for any lawyer looking to grow their practice and achieve financial stability.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understanding Investments vs. Expenses: Learn why distinguishing between investments and expenses is crucial for business growth and how to make decisions that drive long-term success.
  • Mindset Shift: Discover the importance of shifting from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset to enable strategic investments in your practice.
  • Leveraging Credit Wisely: Understand how to use business credit as a tool for growth and the importance of having a solid financial strategy.
  • Building Confidence: Recognize the role of confidence in making business investments and how to develop it by meeting your fears and insecurities head-on.
  • Partner Support: Gain insights on how to communicate with your partner about business investments and address any concerns or fears they may have.

By the end of the episode, listeners will have a clear understanding of how to make strategic investments that lead to sustainable business growth and financial stability.


Time Stamps

01:41: Kim talks about her initial confusion about the difference between investments and expenses, emphasizing the need for deeper understanding in running a business.

03:00: Ali elaborates on the importance of buying back time through investments, such as hiring the right people and learning to engage clients effectively to generate results.

05:00: Ali shares a story about selling her law practice to an inexperienced business owner who cut essential expenses, leading to the downfall of the business due to a lack of client acquisition. 

12:08: Ali and Kim discuss the blurred lines between expenses and investments, using examples like postage and client experience to illustrate their points.

13:00: Ali shares her personal experience of building out an office on credit, which, despite initial fears, became a valuable investment that enhanced her client experience and business vision.



Ali Katz:
And I was like, oh, uh huh. Okay, yeah, I want to have a million dollar law practice. And here I am trying to save as much as possible on my bookkeeper. And here I am at 09:00 at night, untangling a mess made by the bookkeeper because I didn't want to spend money on the bookkeeper. So then I started to realize, okay, I need to pay more for a bookkeeper, and I need to shift the mind from not, I can't afford it, but how can I afford it?

Ali Katz:
Hello, and welcome to the NewLaw podcast, where we guide entrepreneurial lawyers to build law practices into businesses they love. I'm Ali Katz.

Ali Katz:
You are going to love this episode. If you've ever been confused about the difference between expenses and investments as you grow your business in this episode, you are going to hear me speaking with one of my longtime members, turn, and team member Kim Rockwood. And we're talking about the difference between investments and expenses going way back to the beginning of each of our businesses. And we're even going to talk about how cutting expenses can actually cost you your most valuable resources, your non renewable resources of time, energy, and attention, and why investing in yourself and your vision is essential, and how to know the difference between investments and expenses. Listen in, and I'll see you on the other side.

Kim Rockwood:
Hello, everyone. If you don't know me, you might know me by now. I'm Kim Rockwood, and I'm here with Ali to talk to you guys about the differences between investments and expenses. And this is something that occurred to me as something that I think really would have been helpful for me to internalize when I was really just starting out. And I think that we all kind of get it on a high level. Oh, an investment that's easy. That's something that you, you know, you spend money on and you expect to get your money and more back, right? Like, you kind of get it, but I don't really think most of us get it. That could be wrong.

Kim Rockwood:
But I'm suspecting most of us don't really get it on a deeper level and internally. So Ali was gracious enough to sit down with me here today so we can go through these things with you and let's talk. Ali, is there anything that you want to say first before we get into the substance?